Smith Wesson SW9VE Reviews

Smith Wesson SW9VE Reviews

Smith Wesson SW9VE Review

Smith Wesson SW9VE

Smith Wesson SW9VE Review

December 22, 2017 by

The Smith & Wesson SW9VE is an excellent defensive handgun, fun to shoot, and a great value. Modern handguns can be very expensive. Many of today's most popular models feature European engineering and military, police, or competition pedigrees.

Smith Wesson SW9VE Review

Smith Wesson SW9VE

Smith Wesson SW9VE Review

December 22, 2017 by

My daughter wanted a 9MM polymer gun. We looked at several of the most popular ones, and chose the sigma because of its superb ergonomics. Price was also a consideration because of college expenses. I thought about purchasing this gun before, but was a little leery after reading so many negative reviews. Finally, I came across the best article ever written on the gun, which was posted in the blue forum some time ago. This article put it all in perspective for me, and pushed me over the edge. I decided to give the sigma a try. I paid $319 - $50 for the gun.

Smith Wesson SW9VE Review

Smith Wesson SW9VE

Smith Wesson SW9VE Review

December 22, 2017 by

Based on the TTAG reader survey, it looks like our readers want to read more about budget minded guns. As your loyal scribe, I aim to please (pun intended). So before you today, we have the Smith & Wesson SD9 VE. This fine piece is the lowest priced pistola de plastico in the S&W lineup. You might remember some similar looks from their Sigma range of inexpensively priced pistols. Having stripped both guns, I can tell you that the guts look mostly the same between the two. And having shot both of them, I can tell you that the trigger woes the Sigma suffered continue with the SD9 VE. Be not afraid though, as the SD9 VE has many redeeming qualities, too . . .