Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard Reviews

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard Reviews

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard Review

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard Review

January 30, 2018 by

The scandium-frame/stainless-steel-cylinder Night Guard revolvers made quite a stir when Smith & Wesson announced them in 2008.

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard Review

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard Review

January 30, 2018 by

The good old revolver is making a comeback. Not that it ever went away, but its popularity has waned over the past few decades with the ever increasing reliability and firepower of the modern auto loading pistol. Auto pistols have a well-earned reputation these days, as there have been steady improvements in their design and execution over the last several years. The revolver has been declared obsolete before, and likely will be again, but it is as good now as it ever was, and in many ways, even better. While Smith & Wesson has certainly been on the cutting edge of auto pistol development over the past half century or so, they have not neglected to steadily modernize their revolver line as well.

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard Review

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard

Smith Wesson Model 357 NIght Guard Review

January 30, 2018 by

I have the opportunity to pick up this 41 Mag at a verrry nice price from someone I trust completely. Being that S&W discontinued this model almost as fast as they introduced it, there's not a lot of info to be found on the net. I'd appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, from anyone that owns one or even those that don't if there's a reason they steered clear.